Andromeda Clinic in Hill East to Open July 30 Over Protests of ANC Commissioners

2016-07-21 16.45.17

Andromeda Clinic in Hill East to Open July 30 Over Protests of ANC Commissioners

by Larry Janezich

According to ANC6B Commissioner Chander Jayaraman, fliers were distributed yesterday announcing the grand opening of Andromeda substance abuse recovery and mental health clinic on July 30.  CAN Commissioners Jayaraman and Krepp met with the Director of the Department of Behavioral Health on Monday and Jayaraman requested that DBH withhold approval for Andromeda to begin operations until his appeal of the occupancy permit before the Bureau of Zoning Adjustment was decided.  (See CHC post here:

Reacting to the announcement, Jayaraman said, “In my opinion, it is another example of how District agencies regularly ignore the concerns of the tax paying residents.  This is unacceptable.…’

CHC asked Krepp for comment, and she replied, “Yet again, DBH gives neighbors the middle finger instead of a helping hand.

DBH Director Royster told Commissioner Jayaraman and me on Monday to FOIA information regarding Andromeda’s services instead of willingly sharing it with those that live next to the new facility. Furthermore, she didn’t even have the decency to tell us on Monday that the facility will be opening next week.

The director’s continued gross incompetence makes me question why she was hired in the first place.”

Jayaraman said that it was his understanding the CM Charles Allen had not been informed on the imminent opening of the facility.  The commissioner said that he had – this morning – reiterated his and Krepp’s request that the Director use her authority provided under DCMR regulations to not permit Andromeda to begin operation until the BZA case has been heard.


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2 responses to “Andromeda Clinic in Hill East to Open July 30 Over Protests of ANC Commissioners

  1. Pingback: Hill Buzz | The Hill is Home

  2. Streeter

    Thank you, Larry.

    And more thanks for further illustrating the perpetual attitude that some of the entrenched Powers That Be running some of the fiefdoms in the District Government Ogre.

    The flip attitude of ‘if you want information on what we are doing and what we are approving and fostering . . . go file a Freedom of Information Act petition and don’t bother us’ is persistent and typical of some DC bureaucrats with the How Dare You Question Me mentality. Whether or not the clinic is needed, justified, useful or whatever, the methods of those running the circus really piss people off.